Our Statistics

Type of Abuse experienced by our callers

AWHL 2023-24 statistics are a reflection of the issues that have been raised by women who call our crisis line.

The following statistics will not add up to 100% as many callers faced more than one type of abuse:

Identified experiencing sexual abuse (15,742)
Identified experiencing physical abuse (20,751)
Identified experiencing childhood sexual abuse or incest (5,724)
Identified experiencing economic abuse (31,484)
Identified experiencing emotional or psychological abuse (45,795)
Identified experiencing threats from an abuser (5,724)
Identified experiencing immigration related abuse (2,862)
Identified experiencing some form of harassing behaviour (8,586)

Barriers to getting help: (2023-24)

The following statistics will not add up to 100% as many callers faced multiple barriers:

Identified heterosexism or homophobia or transphobia as an additional barrier
Identified homelessness as an additional barrier
Identified racism as an additional barrier
Identified cultural or linguistic issues as an additional barrier
Identified a concern for pets as an additional barrier
Identified sexism as an additional barrier
Identified lack of affordable housing as an additional barrier
Identified the fear of losing custody of children as an additional barrier
Identified poverty as an additional barrier
Identified lack of supportive resources as an additional barrier
Identified a mental health decline as an additional barrier
Identified lack of shelter space as an additional barrier
Identified alcohol use in the abuser as an additional barrier
Identified fear of losing job/job security as an additional barrier
Identified extreme isolation/loneliness as an additional barrier
Identified unsafe/rundown housing as an additional barrier
Identified the fear for safety after leaving as an additional barrier
Identified immigration status as an additional barrier
Identified having no access to technology/internet as an additional barrier

Other problems and issues identified (2023-24):

The following statistics will not add up to 100% as some callers identified more than one problem/issue area:

Identified economic issues as another problem they were dealing with
Identified custody and access issues as another problem they were dealing with
Identified abuse occurring recently
Identified anxiety/panic attacks/depression
Identified fears/concerns for their pets
Identified fear housing conditions - rundown/unsafe
Identified trouble coping

Other forms of abuse identified by callers include but are not limited to the following (2023-24):

  • Elder abuse
  • Child abuse
  • Immigration related
  • Property damage
  • Workplace harassment 
  • Stalking


Break down by region (2023-24):

Region % of call received

45,080 (63%) calls came from Toronto and GTA area in 2023-24.

Southwestern (8,586)
Southeastern (8,586)
Northwestern (3,577)
GTA - Durham, Halton, Niagara, Peel and York (14,313)
Northeastern (5,725)
Toronto (30,773)

AWHL Calls from Outside of Ontario (2023-24)

8,260 Calls were taken outside of Ontario in 2023-24:


Prince Edward Island
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
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